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Nimzo_2023 Chess GUI for Windows

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Nimzo_2023 Chess GUI for Windows Empty Nimzo_2023 Chess GUI for Windows

Post by Roy Sawyer Thu Aug 24, 2023 1:39 pm

I have written a chess graphical user interface program
Nimzo_2023, which is a fork of the Tarrasch Chess GUI
with the following additional features :-  

 Shootout mode
 User defined board bitmaps
 Printing functions
 Puzzle mode
 Engine match and tournament functions

The program can be downloaded from the following links -



It can also be downloaded from the Softpedia website -


The download is a zip file  Nimzo_2023.7z
When you unzip this file you will find installation
and usage instructions in the file README1.txt

The program is free and open source,
so please feel free to share the program and the links.

Enjoy the game

I have added a new feature for the automatic analysis of games.
This can be used for single or multiple games.

The complete program can be downloaded from the following link :-

For existing users a smaller update program
can be downloaded from this link :-

Both can be downloaded from the following website :-

!! BUG ALERT !! for Nimzo_2023 Chess GUI users

Unfortunately, when I was fixing some bugs in Puzzle mode
in version 2.1 I unknowingly created another more serious one,
which was causing the program to crash during engine matches.
I have fixed this problem for version 2.2

Sincere apologies to all users.

The corrected program can be downloaded from the following links :-

Full installation program

Update program

Roy Sawyer

Last edited by Roy Sawyer on Sat Dec 30, 2023 12:19 am; edited 4 times in total (Reason for editing : Bug found in version 2.1)

Roy Sawyer

Posts : 5
Join date : 2023-08-16

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Nimzo_2023 Chess GUI for Windows Empty Re: Nimzo_2023 Chess GUI for Windows

Post by Roy Sawyer Mon Jan 29, 2024 2:07 pm

I have completed version 3.0 of the Nimzo_2023 chess GUI

It has the following new features -

 An improved Engine selection dialog box
 A search info panel                  
 An evaluation bar  
 Sliding piece animation
 Load previous file / game
 Additional puzzle mode functions

It can be downloaded from the website -

Or from the following links -

Update program -



Full installation package -



Roy Sawyer

Roy Sawyer

Posts : 5
Join date : 2023-08-16

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