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Nimzo 3d Chess GUI for Windows with Fics

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Nimzo 3d Chess GUI for Windows with Fics Empty Nimzo 3d Chess GUI for Windows with Fics

Post by Roy Sawyer Tue Aug 20, 2024 1:28 pm

Previously, I have posted links for my Nimzo_3d Chess GUI program
which is an enhanced version of the Tarrasch chess GUI with the
following additional features :-

Shootout mode
User defined board bitmaps
Printing functions
Puzzle mode
Engine match and tournament functions
Automatic game analysis
3d graphics powered by DirectX
Game sound effects

I have now added capability for playing on the
Free Internet Chess Server (Fics) to the program.

The program can be downloaded from the following links :-

Full installation package :-

Update package :-

It can also be downloaded from the website -

The download is a zip file setup_Nimzo_3d_chess.7z
When you unzip this file you will find installation
and usage instructions in the file README_v3_5.txt

The program will run on Windows 7 - 11, 32-bit and 64-bit.

The program is free and open source,
so please feel free to share the program and the links.

Enjoy the game

Yours sincerely, Roy Sawyer

Roy Sawyer

Posts : 5
Join date : 2023-08-16

Ghppn, kamikazepawn, IrishMaster2, Chess110, Ximander and kk99 like this post

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Nimzo 3d Chess GUI for Windows with Fics Empty Screen shot for Nimzo 3d

Post by Roy Sawyer Wed Aug 21, 2024 8:12 am

Here is a screen shot showing the 3d graphics screen,
from the game Nimzowitsch - Alekhine, Semmering, 1926

Nimzo 3d Chess GUI for Windows with Fics Nimzo_10

Roy Sawyer

Posts : 5
Join date : 2023-08-16

ceday and Ghppn like this post

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